Crosslink Memphis is grateful for the ability to receive donated medical supplies from a variety of sources. A common question we receive is what type of medical supplies do you accept? The short answer is that we accept medical supplies and equipment that range from bandages to ultrasound machines with a few exceptions. When donated items do not meet the ministries’ needs, we reach out to our partners in medical missions to find where the donations can be used.

Purchase needed supplies for Crosslink from Amazon

There is a constant change in our inventory, but our team has identified some core items that are needed by most mission teams. To make it easy for you as a donor check out our Amazon wish list that items can be purchased from and sent directly to Crosslink!

Where to donate medical supplies?

Crosslink believes in providing supplies with the purpose of sharing the Gospel with all the nations, which leads us to provide supplies that are not expired or recalled. If you have medical supplies you would like to donate, please give us a call to set up a time to drop the items off at our warehouse located in Memphis. If there are a large amount of supplies, we may be able to schedule a pickup time. Medical supply donations from outside of Memphis, can be sent to our warehouse at the address below.

Supplies commonly donated

While many types of donated medical supplies are needed, here are some of the major categories for each of these items. If you have any questions please call since we have a passion to make sure medical supplies and equipment does not get wasted and can be used by one of our partners.


  • Sterile Dressings
  • Tape (cloth, silk, paper, etc.)
  • PPE (gowns, masks, gloves)
  • Surgical instruments
  • Gauze
  • Any type of bandaging supplies
  • Clinic supplies
  • Antiseptic cleaners
  • Blood Pressure Monitors
  • Glucometers and lancets

Send checks & supplies to
Crosslink Memphis
1662 Shelby Oaks Dr. N
Memphis, TN 38134